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Every Ride, Every Time: Car Safety Rules for Kids

Even when kids no longer need to ride in a car seat, there are still important safety rules to follow.

To protect kids in cars:

  • Kids should use booster seats if they haven’t reached the age or height requirement for a regular seatbelt.
  • Adults, older kids, and teens should always wear seatbelts.
  • Take precautions so kids can’t get in cars by themselves and so they don’t accidentally get trapped in a car. 
  • Practice good defensive driving habits.
  • Never drive a car or operate any vehicle after drinking alcohol or using drugs.

Kids also play a role when it comes to staying safe in a car. Most are in these vehicles every day and so they should know some simple travel rules to help keep them safe. Explain to your kids that they must follow these rules every time, no matter who is driving or how short the ride might be.

Rules for the Car

  • Wear a seatbelt or use a booster seat during every car trip. Fasten the seatbelt before the car is even in motion and leave it on until the end of the trip.
  • Use all parts of the seatbelt. Most cars have lap and shoulder belts that buckle as a unit. But some have two separate belts, one lap and one shoulder, and others have a lap belt only. Teach your kids to look for and secure every part of the belt. Also teach them not to tuck the belt under their armpit, even if they think it is more comfortable that way. Doing so makes the belt less effective in a crash.
  • Never share seatbelts. Two kids should never buckle up as a pair.
  • Sit in the back seat. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 13 years old always ride in the back seat. This protects them from getting seriously injured if an air bag opens. Explain to your child that air bags are made to protect a person with a much bigger body.
  • Play it cool. Kids should understand the importance of staying calm and low-key in the back seat. If they jump around or yell, it can distract the driver and put all the passengers at risk.
  • Play elsewhere. Explain to kids that cars aren’t for play, especially hide-and-seek. They could become trapped, which could be dangerous. If younger children want a toy that’s in a car, tell them to ask an adult. And if kids ever get stuck in a car, they should honk the horn to get someone’s attention.
  • Follow the rules in every car. Kids need to follow the rules when they’re in a friend’s or relative’s car, even if other passengers don’t follow the rules. If asked to sit in the front seat of someone else’s car, your child should politely tell the driver that they prefer to sit in the back seat.
Children's, Development, Health and Safety

Communication Begins at Birth: 1-3 Months

Once a child is born, he or she starts gaining crucial skills for proper development. The basic building blocks for typical and healthy child development includes the development of speech and hearing communication. It is important for parents to be aware of developmental milestones because communication begins at birth.

Through a four-part series of blog posts, we will be highlighting important communication milestones for babies between the ages of one to 24 months. This series will help parents know what to expect as their baby develops. Note that every child is different, and some reach these milestones sooner or later than others. If your child is not achieving these developmental milestones, consider contacting your pediatrician or family health physician.

One to three months is an exciting time for parents because babies make a lot of progress in communicating. Your baby’s personality will start to show through as you have two-way “conversations,” exchanging smiles and oohs and aahs.

Listed below are some typical milestones and enhancement activities for your baby’s hearing and speech development at this age as well as when to seek professional evaluation.

Typical Development:

  • Pays attention to faces and surroundings
  • Smiles at the sound of a parent or caregiver’s voice
  • Calms to caregiver’s voice
  • Smiles with social contact
  • Coos and makes sounds when talked to
  • Imitates some sounds and facial expressions


  • Smile at baby
  • Talk, babble, coo to baby
  • Sing to baby

When to Refer or Seek Evaluation:

  • Does not respond to a sound
  • Does not look at face

Babies main form of communication at this age is crying. They may cry to let their parents know that they need something or because they are overwhelmed by all of the sights and sounds of the world. Sometimes they cry for no clear reason, so as long as your baby is not sick or hurt, try not to be upset if your baby is crying and you can’t console him or her right away.

For more, visit the Children’s of Alabama Hearing and Speech Center’s webpage: 

Children's, Development, Health and Safety

Communication Begins at Birth: 4-8 Months

During these months, your baby is learning to talk with lots of babbling and laughing. They are discovering a new range of sounds as well as imitating some of those sounds. They will also start to understand different tones of voice and respond accordingly.

Having a “conversation” with your baby is as important as ever during this time. Surprisingly, babies comprehend words long before they can say them, so it is encouraged to model real words rather than using “baby talk.”

Listed below are some typical milestones and enhancement activities for your baby’s hearing and speech development at this age, as well as when to seek professional evaluation. If your child is not achieving these developmental milestones, consider contacting your pediatrician or family health physician.

Typical Development:

  • Turns head to locate sounds beyond what able to see
  • Notices toys make sounds
  • Shows interest and pleasure when spoken to
  • Responds to different tones and sounds but not upset
  • Calms by favorite sounds
  • Begins to repeat sounds (such as “ooh,” “ahh,” and “ba-ba”)
  • Responds to name when called
  • Makes sounds to get attention
  • Shouts to gain attention
  • Understands “no-no” and “bye-bye”


  • Call baby by name
  • Play vocal and simple games like peek-a-boo
  • Talk about activities during play
  • Make play sounds and wait for response: taking turns
  • Name body parts while playing and dressing
  • Read to your baby

When to Refer or Seek Evaluation:

  • Does not laugh or smile
  • Makes little noise
  • Does not respond to sound or responds only to loud sounds
  • Does not interact vocally by making sounds or makes sounds only in monotones

By the end of eight months, you can expect a lot of progression in your baby’s ability to listen and talk. They will respond to their names, respond to sounds by making their own, babble repetitive consonants, imitate sounds and even associate words with familiar objects. Reinforce this progress by introducing your baby to simple words that apply to everyday life. They understand more that you think!

Children’s of Alabama Hearing and Speech:


Communication Begins at Birth: 9-12 Months

These months can be a cornerstone period for your baby’s communication development. During this period, your baby might say “mama” or “dada” for the first time, and will mostly communicate using body language, like pointing and shaking his or her head. Your baby will pay even more attention to words and gestures and will try to imitate you and various sounds from his or her environment.

Listed below are some typical milestones and enhancement activities for your baby’s hearing and speech development at this age, as well as when to seek professional evaluation. Note that every child is different, and some reach these milestones sooner or later than others. If your child is not developing in accordance with these guidelines, consider contacting your pediatrician or family health physician. 

Typical Development:

  • Continues to point his/her finger to communicate desires
  • Uses jargon that sounds like speech
  • Can clearly say 1-2 words (i.e.: mama, dada, uh oh, bye)
  • Imitates play-based sounds such as animals noises (i.e., moo, baa, oink), and action sounds for cars and trains (i.e., beep-beep, vroom, choo-choo)
  • Looks at or points to familiar objects or pictures when they are named 
  • Responds to his/her own name, phone ringing or someone’s voice, even when not loud


  • Point to pictures to identify people, objects and toys
  • Talk to your baby throughout the day. Mix in adult tones of speech, not just baby talk
  • Identify and imitate environmental sounds such as birds and planes

When to Refer or Seek Evaluation:

  • Uses few or no speech sounds 
  • Does not use gestures to communicate: waving, high fives
  • Does not show understanding of any words

There are many activities that parents can do to ensure that their baby is getting the information he or she needs for proper development of speech and hearing. Though your baby may only be saying a few words, naming familiar objects will help your baby learn what they are called and store this information before they can use words.  Labeling objects during the course of the day reinforces the message that everything has its own name. Make learning a whole-body experience: touch your baby’s toe when you say the word “toe.” Or point out your own ear and say, “Mommy’s ear.” Face your baby when you speak to let him or her see your facial expression and lip movements.

Children’s of Alabama Hearing and Speech Center: 

Children's, Development, Health and Safety

Communication Begins at Birth: 12-24 Months

This year-long period is when language development truly takes off. Your child’s understanding of the world around them, especially for language and sounds, is much more developed than before. Most kids typically say their first words around their first birthday, but a toddler who is actively learning to walk will commonly postpone their speech development. By two years old, most toddlers will say 50-100 words or more and be able to put together two-word phrases.

Listed below are some typical milestones and enhancement activities for your baby’s hearing and speech development at this age, as well as when to seek professional evaluation. Note that every child is different, and some reach these milestones sooner or later than others. If your child is not developing in accordance with these guidelines, consider contacting your pediatrician or family health physician. 

Typical Development: 

  • Uses several words with a variety of speech sounds, slowly developing into 200-300 word expressive vocabulary
  • Enjoys simple songs and rhymes
  • Understands two step directions (i.e.: “Get your shoes and come here”)
  • Can make simple needs known through speech
  • Asks simple questions
  • Knows and points to body parts


  • Praise and encourage efforts in all areas: moving, playing, talking, singing
  • Avoid over-correcting your child’s efforts to speak
  • Always fully listen when your child speaks to you
  • Ask your child questions that stimulate thought and check understanding

When to Refer or Seek Evaluation:

  • Uses only vowel sounds to speak
  • Cannot follow simple commands
  • Does not respond to sounds or responds only to loud sounds
  • Points or grunts to make needs known

Your little one is listening to everything you say and storing it away at an incredible rate. Instead of using “baby” words, start using the correct names for people, places and things. Speak slowly and clearly, and keep it simple. Your child’s vocabulary will grow quickly, but pronunciation isn’t likely to keep pace. By 2 years of age, most kids are understandable only about half the time, so emphasize the correct pronunciations in your responses.

Gestures are an important part of language development. Make the connection between the gestures your child makes and language by using a running commentary such as, “Do you want a drink?” (when your child points to the refrigerator), then wait for a response. Then say, “What do you want? Milk? OK, let’s get some milk.” Such behavior encourages kids to respond and participate in conversations

Children’s of Alabama Hearing and Speech: 


Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a time to honor our employees and their histories, cultures and contributions to our communities. At Children’s of Alabama, we are united in our mission and dedication to providing the finest pediatric healthcare to all children. The employees featured here contribute to our core values of trust, teamwork, compassion, innovation and commitment. We thank them for sharing their stories of inspiration and impact.

Mahek Virani
Clinical Outcomes Coordinator, 1.5 Years of Service

What brought you to Children’s of Alabama?
I was drawn to Children’s of Alabama by its mission to provide exceptional pediatric healthcare and make a positive impact in the community.

What do you do at Children’s of Alabama?

As a Clinical Outcomes Coordinator, responsible for improvement projects across divisions. I also manage our participation in the US News survey, working on improvements based on our responses. Additionally, I collaborate with UAB’s Poise office to initiate and execute projects from inception to completion.

What brings you joy about your heritage and culture?
What brings me joy about my heritage and culture is the sense of togetherness and celebration of diversity it fosters.

What kind of impact do you hope to have? How do you wish to inspire others?

I hope to have a positive impact by using my skills to contribute to the improvement of healthcare services and ultimately make a difference in the lives of children and families. I aim to inspire others by demonstrating the importance of data-driven decision-making and the value it brings to our community.

Check back next week for more stories of impact and inspiration.

Children's, Health and Safety

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, but Children’s Hospital Intervention and Prevention Services (CHIPS) staff works year-round to facilitate healing from physical, mental and emotional abuse and to provide prevention education.

Parents and caregivers should look for signs of abusive situations. The child who has endured abuse the longest typically has the longest healing process. The quicker an abusive situation is reported, the faster a child can be provided with medical care, therapy and counseling to heal. “Abuse is not the child’s whole story,” Debra Schneider, director of the CHIPS Center at Children’s of Alabama said. “There is hope when intervention occurs.”

Children who are being abused might:

• Have new onset fears
• Have a vocabulary too advanced regarding sexual activity
• Be withdrawn from friends and family
• Have nightmares
• Experience a drop in their grades
• Change in appearance (wearing clothes that don’t align with the weather)
• Not want to go home
• Start using drugs
• Bully others
• Be sad or depressed
• Have stories to explain injuries that don’t make sense or keep changing
• Not want to be with the abuser
• Act out at school

Signs to watch out for in abusers:

Abusers usually walk the victim through a grooming process. Schneider said it is important to remember that the child is usually not abused 24/7. The relationship often consists of a more positive bond. The abuser knows what the child likes, is curious about and afraid of, and they use it to their advantage. Some sort of ‘relationship’ is formed, and a trust is established between them. That way, when harm enters the picture, the child is less likely to question their character and actions. Other signs include spending more time with the child than is appropriate, giving extraordinary gifts to the child more than what’s normal, using excuses to be alone with the child and implementing gaslighting techniques.

Most children think abuse comes from a stranger, but abusers are usually someone a child knows. Schneider suggests teaching about “stranger danger;” however, build off that concept to make them aware that abusers can be someone they know. Schneider states most children are taught about stranger danger, but children need to be taught that most sexual abuse happens with someone a child knows.

What adults, parents or caregivers can do:

Children in an abusive situation need a trusted adult to confide in – parents, grandparents, a teacher, friend’s parent/caregiver or guidance counselor. School prevention education programs encourage a child to tell three adults: two inside and one outside their family. That trusted adult can clearly communicate to the child, “I am here for you if anything is going on. I am not here to judge.”

Adults who suspect abuse should approach the child gently. If the adult asks too many questions, the child may feel in trouble. Adults should never make promises to not tell anyone, since that is a key action to be taken when stopping abusive situations. Remind the child that abuse is NEVER their fault.

Since conversations about abuse can be very difficult to bring up, Schneider suggests bringing up an incident from the news as a segue into a conversation about the abusive situation. In addition, having these conversations in the car creates a more relaxed, noninvasive environment.

If you suspect an abusive situation, report it immediately. Anyone can provide a report of suspected abuse to the local department of human resources or a child protective services agency. All it takes is a suspicion of abuse; the caller doesn’t have to have specific evidence. You can also contact the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453). You don’t have to give your name. If the child is in immediate danger, call 911.

The CHIPS Center at Children’s of Alabama:

CHIPS staff is a team of specially trained counselors, doctors, social workers and pediatric sexual assault nurse examiners (PSANE). The staff works with law enforcement, the Department of Human Resources and child advocacy center representatives to provide the best possible care for children and families affected by child maltreatment. Services provided include forensic medical evaluations, social work assessments, play therapy, counseling, care coordination, prevention education, court support, expert court testimony and specialized support for victims of human trafficking. In 2022, the Sunrise Clinic held within the CHIPS Center received the inaugural “Outstanding Victim Protection in Countering Human Trafficking” award from the Center for Countering Human Trafficking within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

For more information on the CHIPS Center, call 205-638-2751 or visit


March is Women’s History Month

Children’s of Alabama is here today because, more than a century ago, a group of dedicated women saw the growing need for quality health care for children. In those early days at Children’s, an all-female group of volunteers did whatever was needed to operate the charity hospital, from scrubbing floors to sitting with sick children. The hospital’s first trustees were all women.

Today, women are involved throughout our hospital – from the board room to bedside. The women featured here all have very different roles at Children’s, but all are key to fulfilling the promise of the hospital’s original founders.

The Women of the Children’s of alabama Executive team

At Children’s of Alabama, 86 percent of our workforce is female. And you’ll see that reflected in hospital leadership as well.

This group of women has nearly 200 combined years of service at Children’s. Their leadership stretches from patient care, nursing and operations to finance, risk management and development.

Pictured left to right: Chandler Bibb, Chief Development Officer; Heather Hargis, Vice President, Operations; Dawn Walton, Chief Financial Officer; Sandy Thurmond, Vice President, Primary Care Services; Vickie Atkins, Vice President, Risk Management; Jamie Dabal, Vice President, Operations; Heather Baty, Vice President, Ambulatory Operations; Delicia Mason, Vice President, Nursing Operations and Chief Nursing Officer.

Laura Thompson, Recruitment Manager, 18 Years of Service

What led you to a career in healthcare?
I had the opportunity to join Children’s of Alabama as a Summer Intern, and I was immediately hooked. Healthcare had not been on my radar before then. Seeing this large organization work together to achieve our mission left an indelible mark on me early on and continues to be a driving factor for why I chose Children’s every day. There is no other organization I would rather recruit for.

Who are some women who have impacted your life?
Women from various walks of life have influenced and impacted my journey in numerous ways. My peers have had the most significant impact on my life. Their resilience, wisdom, and determination have collectively shaped my perspective and contributed to my growth. I am continually inspired to strive for excellence and embrace the diversity of every experience.

What message do you have for women trying to make their mark on the world?
To women striving to make their mark on the world, I say: Embrace your uniqueness, trust in your abilities and never underestimate the power of your voice. That doesn’t mean you have to be the loudest voice in the room. It means to make your voice clear, impactful and knowledgeable.

Alemma Raphaela James, Registered Nurse PICU, 6 months of service

What led you to a career in healthcare?
At age 11, my younger brother, who was 6 at the time, went into diabetic ketoacidosis and was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes here at Children’s of Alabama. My mother had sickle cell and suffered from sickle cell crises all throughout my childhood, so I grew up in healthcare. It’s become my passion to serve and care for others.

Who are some women who have impacted your life?
My mom, Bridget Jenkins has impacted my life. She was a single parent to three kids in poverty, and through every adversity, she would still say God is good. She was a kind-hearted, selfless woman and taught her kids how to persevere.

What message do you have for women trying to make their mark on the world?
Keep the faith, and don’t lose hope. There is power in being a woman.

Erica Reynolds, Director of Social Services, 21.5 years of service

What led you to a career in healthcare?
Healthcare found me. I was a young social worker at DHR trying to save the world and looking for my passion. I had a child on my caseload at Children’s that was in the PICU due to a non-accidental trauma. I had never been to Children’s as a child or DHR worker, so I didn’t know what to expect. From the moment I walked in the door and stepped into this magical place, my heart and mind were forever changed. This was where I was supposed to be. The care, concern, attention, passion and teamwork that was shown was something that I had not experienced at a job before, and I wanted to be part of that. The rest is history.

Who are some women who have impacted your life?
My “Granny” was the #1 woman that impacted my life. She was my real life role model that not only taught and instilled in me honorable values and qualities, but she demonstrated them daily.

What message do you have for women trying to make their mark on the world?
To make a mark on the world, you must first know who you are. Be curious about yourself and how others see you. Be open to new ideas, and know that your view or perception of the world is not the same for everyone. Be intentional about choosing happiness every day. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone, believe in yourself, and do something bigger than you could imagine. You might just surprise yourself!

Daniela Martinez-Rodriguez, Nurse at Pediatrics east Deerfoot, 2 years of Service

What led you to a career in healthcare?
I always liked helping people. Growing up, I noticed many people in my community struggled with healthcare due to the language barriers. I speak, read and write fluently in Spanish, and I felt I could really help my community overcome this barrier. People feel better when they know their needs are understood. I am grateful God put me in a position to help others.

Who are some women who have impacted your life?
My mom has had the biggest impact on my life. She is hardworking, kind, and an amazing mom. She managed to have a full-time job while always being present for her children. She taught me to always be kind and help wherever and whoever I can.

What message do you have for women trying to make their mark on the world?
Follow your dreams! It may be difficult, but it’s definitely worth it.


Kids and Food: Nutrition Tips for Parents

It’s no surprise that parents might need some help understanding what it means for their children to eat healthy. From the MyPlate food guide to the latest food fad, it can be confusing to know what advice to follow. That’s why we brought together advice from four Children’s of Alabama registered dietitians. Whether you have a toddler or a teen, these dietitians have researched and informed tips to help navigate healthy eating for your children.

Canned Beans

Canned beans are an affordable and nutritious food. Enjoy them as a side to any meal for extra fiber and protein. Add them to dishes like tacos, soup and wraps. One half cup of black beans can provide nine grams of dietary fiber with seven plus grams of protein, and one can with three to four servings is usually less than $1.

No eggs? No Problem!

Whether your child has an egg allergy, your family focuses on plant-based eating or you just cracked your last egg yesterday, there are many egg substitutes you can still use for baking.

One whole egg can be replaced with any of the following:

  • 1/2 a medium banana (mashed)
  • 1/4 cup applesauce
  • 1/4 cup avocado (mashed)
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin (100% pure canned)
  • 1/4 cup silken tofu (blended) -1 Tablespoon chia seed or ground flaxseed mixed with 3 Tablespoons water

Reducing Refined Sugar

If you’re trying to reduce refined sugar in your child’s diet, look towards substituting with fruits. Here are some ways you can use fruit instead of sugar:

  • Date paste: 1 cup tightly packed dates + 1/4 cup water; blended into a paste, use 1:1 the same as granulated sugar
  • Apples: Use grated apples or unsweetened applesauce in foods where you add sugar like oatmeal. Apples can also be used in some baked goods; remember that applesauce is considered a wet ingredient, so this could change the consistency of your recipe. 
  • Ripe bananas: Mashed or blended bananas make great sugar substitutes for baked goods like quick breads, muffins and cakes. You can use it to replace some, or even all, of the sugar in a baked good. Make sure to let the bananas ripen as much as possible.
  • Berries: Instead of adding syrup to pancakes, use berries as a healthy topping. You can use them fresh or cook them down in a small sauce pan until they are soft and release their natural juices. 


While snacking can be useful in a healthy diet, it is important to consider what you’re snacking on.

Carbohydrates help give us energy while protein and fat help keep us full. Alone, each of them may give us a boost for about 30 minutes, but when eaten together, they can make up a healthy snack that will result in fullness for hours.

When choosing a snack, start with a whole food source of carbohydrates. This could be a fruit, vegetable or even a whole grain. Then, add some protein and fat like a peanut or almond butter, string cheese or a handful of cashews.

Snack ideas that are gluten free with carbs, protein and fat:

  • Greek yogurt + 2 tablespoons almonds
  • 1 apple + 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1 banana + 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • Almond flour crackers like Simple Mills, ½ avocado
  • Crunchmaster crackers + string cheese + cucumbers
  • ½ cup grapes + string cheese
  • Celery + 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • Trail mix from home: 2 tablespoons peanuts, 1 tablespoon raisins, 1 tablespoon chocolate chips
  • Carrots + 2 tablespoons hummus + tomatoes and cucumbers
  • Tomato, cucumber salad
  • Guacamole + 2 bell peppers, sliced
  • Fruit + cottage cheese
  • Tomato, spinach, pepper + ½ cup cottage cheese
  • Smoothie with spinach, banana and peanut butter

Special thanks to Sumner Aldrige, MPH, RD, LD, Janelle Hanick, RD, LD, Katy Broman, MS, RD, LD and Rainie Robinson, MS, RD, LD, CDCES for contributing to this blog.


Children’s of Alabama Celebrates Black History Month

February is Black History Month, a time to honor the accomplishments and contributions of African Americans. At Children’s of Alabama, we are united in our mission and dedication in providing the finest pediatric healthcare to all children. Each of the employees featured here contribute to our core values of trust, teamwork, compassion, innovation and commitment. We thank them for sharing their stories of inspiration and impact.

Mike Stamps
Director of Security and Parking, 1.5 Years of Service

What brought you to Children’s of Alabama?
I was drawn to Children’s of Alabama by a profound desire to contribute to an institution deeply rooted in compassion and service. Inspired by the opportunity to utilize my background in criminal justice, I envisioned making meaningful strides within the security and parking departments. Children’s stood out as a beacon of hope and healing, where I could align my professional skills with a noble cause, fostering safety and well-being for all who enter its doors.

What other African Americans have inspired you?
Reflecting on my journey, the influence of my father and his gospel ensemble, “The Gospel Tornadoes,” cannot be overstated. Their tireless dedication to both their craft and familial responsibilities served as a profound example of resilience and fortitude. From early mornings to late nights, their unwavering commitment to excellence resonated deeply with me, shaping my character and instilling a steadfast resolve to pursue excellence in all endeavors. Their legacy of perseverance, compassion, and community engagement continues to inspire my actions and aspirations.

What kind of impact do you hope to have? How do you wish to inspire others?

My vision at Children’s is grounded in a steadfast commitment to excellence, integrity and inclusivity. Through collaborative leadership and a relentless pursuit of excellence, I aim to cultivate a culture where every individual feels valued, respected and empowered to thrive. By fostering strong relationships built on trust and accountability, I aspire to inspire a collective sense of purpose and unity among staff and patients. My ultimate goal is to leave a lasting legacy of compassion, innovation and service, where the impact of our collective efforts resonates far beyond the confines of security and parking.

Carolyn McCorvey, RN, BSN, CPN
Diabetes Educator, 18 Years of service

What brought you to Children’s of Alabama?
Prior to relocating to Birmingham, I lived in Millbrook, Alabama and worked at Jackson Hospital for nine years. I had the opportunity to solidify my passion to work with children, and admire the level of care Children’s of Alabama provided. 18 years ago, as a pediatric nurse, I sought to join a team that provided a high level of care. I quickly realized Children’s was a place where I could grow, develop leadership skills and become a game changer by providing quality care to children and families we strive to serve.

What other African Americans have inspired you?

I credit my mother and father for molding me into the person I am today. My father worked in maintenance. There was almost absolutely nothing he could not fix. Amazingly, he could make things work properly in nontraditional ways. He taught me how to think outside the box. I apply this skill in my work environment. Sometimes in my educational practice I must be innovative in providing teaching needs.

My mother was the first African American bank teller in our small town. She sought the opportunity and opened doors to more diverse hiring practices. Besides being an amazing bank teller, my mother was an amazing caregiver. Her caregiving skills extended beyond her immediate family. I learned from my her to treat people as if they were my own family members, and to advocate for my patients and families.

What kind of impact do you hope to have? How do you wish to inspire others?

I want to continue to bridge the gap in health care inequality. My favorite part about being a diabetes educator is seeking and providing educational resources to families with medical deficits in underserved communities across the state.

I plan to continue to educate parents and children, to help them make healthy lifestyle choices and to take an active role in maintaining healthy lifestyle choices.

Priscilla Moore
Guest Services and Inforamtion Desk Representative, 12 years of service

What brought you to Children’s of Alabama?
As a child, I was constantly in and out of Children’s of Alabama. It’s like this was my second home! I also love being around kids — they make my day and my job fulfilling!

What other African Americans have inspired you?
I look up to my mom and dad. I want to have their attributes. They’re wise, kind and God-fearing. They always taught me to keep God first, and everything else will fall into place!

What kind of impact do you hope to have? How do you wish to inspire others?

I hope people see the good in me; the love and kindness I have for others. I want to be remembered as a positive light to others.

Ophelia Nichols
Dental Assistant, 55 years of service

What brought you to Children’s of Alabama?
When I first was looking for a job, I came here through a youth training program. It was just before my birthday, and I was going to be 20. I trained for about three months, and they hired me! That was 55 years ago. The people that I work with are so good. Everyone in the dental clinic feels like family, and I love coming to work.  

What other African Americans have inspired you?
I would say Martin Luther King Jr. He helped a lot during that time and made a big impact. Also, my mom is my inspiration. She worked so hard throughout my life, and I know I got my work ethic from her. I had eight siblings, so there were nine of us growing up. She worked and took care of all of us, so I got that mentality from her.

What kind of impact do you hope to have? How do you wish to inspire others?

I hope to inspire folks by being kind and trying to help folks out. It’s important to treat people right. Treat them like you want to be treated. If everybody did that, it would be a much better world. It’s important to remember to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

DeWayne Carroll
VDI Operations Support Engineer, 2 years of service

What brought you to Children’s of Alabama?
Prior to coming to work for Children’s, I was working at another hospital and that is where I met Glenn Owens. I continued to work there after Glenn resigned. We stayed in touch even after he left the company. So, when I called him one day just say hello, he mentioned that he had an opening on his staff at Children’s of Alabama. I told him I would take it, and he sort of laughed and said “would you really?” and I said “yes, I have always wanted to work for Children’s.” Glenn made a big impact on me, and he is the reason why I am here today.   

What other African Americans have inspired you?
My mother and grandmother inspired me their entire lives. I saw my mother work and push herself hard many days to get what she needed for her family.  She never took any shortcuts and whatever she did she did it to the best of her abilities. When it comes to my grandmother there is one lesson that will forever be engrained in me is to never let a problem beat you. There is not a problem on God’s green earth that doesn’t have a solution, you just have to find it. I took those lessons and brought them with me to Children’s.   

What kind of impact do you hope to have? How do you wish to inspire others?

I pray that I would leave a positive impact on whoever I come across in life, not just at Children’s. I would like to think being a positive role model and sowing into someone else like so many have taken time out of their lives to sow into me.

Johnicia “Jo” Whitlow
Patient REGISTRATION Manager, 20 years of service

What brought you to Children’s of Alabama?
I was working at United Healthcare and our department consolidated to South Florida. After briefly contemplating moving, a former employee called me and told me about the Access Leadership position open at Children’s.  I applied, came in for several interviews, and the rest is history.

What other African Americans have inspired you?
My parents and grandparents for sure are my inspirations. My parents always pushed me and my siblings to be the best that we could be and that we could do anything that we put our minds to. My grandparents inspired me in the same way-sharing stories about their upbringing and wanting more for their children and grandchildren. Hearing their stories of endurance and resilience was a driving force in my life.

What kind of impact do you hope to have? How do you wish to inspire others?
I always say that a first impression is a lasting impression. As I walk through the hospital, I always try to smile and greet folks. One day, in particular, a person had been walking behind me from the McWane to Benjamin Russell building and said, “You know, everybody in the hospital knows you!” I chuckled at myself.

Live, Laugh, and Love are words that consistently resonate with me. Live life to the fullest.  Laugh often. Love those around you. I genuinely love what I do and being able to interact with my team, patients, families and clinicians. I am not just a manager; I am a counselor,  a listening ear, a social worker and a teacher all wrapped up in one, and I love it. 

People interaction is my superpower. I try to lead by example, jumping in the trenches and working elbow to elbow when needed. I attempt to take negative situations and make the best of it-looking at the situation with rose-colored glasses and seeing the positive in that situation. 

Eugene Mauldin
Specialty Floor tech, 9 years of service

What brought you to Children’s of Alabama?
There wasn’t a specific reason I came to Children’s of Alabama. I applied and was granted the opportunity which I am very grateful for. I have met and worked with so many great people during my time at Children’s.

What other African Americans have inspired you?
Growing up and hearing quotes and speeches from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was so inspiring in my life. We as people are one, no matter the color of our skin. I was very impacted by him in that way.

What kind of impact do you hope to have? How do you wish to inspire others?
I hope my dedication and willingness to do my best daily in every way to the task I’m given is done with quality and perfection!